Medicine Information

Vitamin B Compound

For general medical information about this medicine, to report an Adverse Event or if you are experiencing any unusual side effects whilst taking this medicine please call:
01704 807767

Alternatively, please email [email protected]

Remember, if you feel unwell or are still unsure about your medicine, do not hesitate to contact your GP or local hospital.


For general medical information about this medicine, to report an Adverse Event or if you are experiencing any unusual side effects whilst taking this medicine please call:
01704 807767

Alternatively, please email [email protected]

Remember, if you feel unwell or are still unsure about your medicine, do not hesitate to contact your GP or local hospital.


For general medical information about this medicine, to report an Adverse Event or if you are experiencing any unusual side effects whilst taking this medicine please call:
01704 807767

Alternatively, please email [email protected]

Remember, if you feel unwell or are still unsure about your medicine, do not hesitate to contact your GP or local hospital.

Codeine Phosphate & Paracetamol

For general medical information about this medicine, to report an Adverse Event or if you are experiencing any unusual side effects whilst taking this medicine please call:
01704 807767

Alternatively, please email [email protected]

Remember, if you feel unwell or are still unsure about your medicine, do not hesitate to contact your GP or local hospital.

Paracetamol & Caffeine

For general medical information about this medicine, to report an Adverse Event or if you are experiencing any unusual side effects whilst taking this medicine please call:
01704 807767

Alternatively, please email [email protected]

Remember, if you feel unwell or are still unsure about your medicine, do not hesitate to contact your GP or local hospital.


For general medical information about this medicine, to report an Adverse Event or if you are experiencing any unusual side effects whilst taking this medicine please call:
01704 807767

Alternatively, please email [email protected]

Remember, if you feel unwell or are still unsure about your medicine, do not hesitate to contact your GP or local hospital.


For general medical information about this medicine, to report an Adverse Event or if you are experiencing any unusual side effects whilst taking this medicine please call:
01704 807767

Alternatively, please email [email protected]

Remember, if you feel unwell or are still unsure about your medicine, do not hesitate to contact your GP or local hospital.


For general medical information about this medicine, to report an Adverse Event or if you are experiencing any unusual side effects whilst taking this medicine please call:
01704 807767

Alternatively, please email [email protected]

Remember, if you feel unwell or are still unsure about your medicine, do not hesitate to contact your GP or local hospital.


For general medical information about this medicine, to report an Adverse Event or if you are experiencing any unusual side effects whilst taking this medicine please call:
01704 807767

Alternatively, please email [email protected]

Remember, if you feel unwell or are still unsure about your medicine, do not hesitate to contact your GP or local hospital.


For general medical information about this medicine, to report an Adverse Event or if you are experiencing any unusual side effects whilst taking this medicine please call:
01704 807767

Alternatively, please email [email protected]

Remember, if you feel unwell or are still unsure about your medicine, do not hesitate to contact your GP or local hospital.